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The planning phase of the custom home journey is an exciting time. During this process, we sit down with our clients to begin designing the home of their dreams. If they don’t have an architect in mind, we always recommend our trusted partner, Harold Sark & Associates. We work directly with the owner and professional architect, Harold Sark, to design breathtaking custom homes that fit our clients’ unique visions, property types, and needs. With a pencil and paper in hand, he’s able to guide our clients through the design process to ensure their investment not only reflects their personalities but also compliments their needs.
No matter the project or size, Harold brings an open-mind and decades of experience to help our clients discover the best home for them. From detailed sketches to working alongside Bontrager Custom Homes during the construction phase, he’s able to help everyone see the project come to fruition. With Harold’s expertise and dedication to customer satisfaction, our partnership has been bringing beautiful homes to life for years.